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Cornwall Morganeering Copyright


The Camino de Invierno

Tuesday 7th May 2019

Distance Time Elevation in meters

Gain Loss Min Max
19.2 5H44 4H00 406 366 209 262



Courtesy of www.gronze.com

Courtesy of www.gronze.com
I was able to rejoin the camino about 1 km up the hill directly from Pazo de Galegos, at the point where the Church of Santiago is located. I had sort of convinced myself that today would be a walk in the park to get to Santiago, and for some reason I had a distance of 13 km in my mind..... I think that Pazo may be 8 miles from Santiago by road, but it was certainly longer walking. So, being the last day, with my leg still hurting and there being quite a lot of climbing I was not expecting it was actually a hard day!

Looking back to Pazo de Galegos as I left at 9 a.m.

Church of Santiaguiño


Church of Santiaguiño

We are in the territory steeped with Jacobean tradition of the transfer of St James's remains from Padrón to Santiago, with its legend of Queen Wolf, the dragon etc. Characters appear represented in the form of carvings in the Pilgrim Fountain, where you can read the long inscription, from 1676, that the origins of the fountain are due to "DISCIPLES ST. THEODOR AND ST. ATHANASIO SENT THEM THE QUEEN WOLF TO FIND THE OXEN TO TAKE HIS SAINTLY BODY FROM PADRON TO WHERE I HEARD THEY ARE MAKING THE MARK OF THE CROSS BUST AND THE BULLS CAME BEFORE HIM LIKE MEEK LAMBS, AND SO HE CONVERTED THEM AND ALL HIS FAMILY - AND TO MEMORISE THIS AND TO RELIEVE HIS PILGRIMS AND PASSENGERS I HAVE MADE HERE A FOUNTAIN...

Source" The Winter Road to Santiago by Aida Menéndez Lorenzo







Sign neat the church pointing to Pazo de Galegos


Albergue de Perigrinos San Pedro de Vilanova

Sin for the Albergue de Perigrinos San Pedro de Vilanova at Outeiro




My first glimpse of the cathedral in the distance


Time for a break before the big push into Santiago de Compostela

Cruceiro de Sar

So close now



The Cathedral



Hotel Lorenzo


I had three nights booked at Hotel San Lourenzo. The place did not look too good with all the scaffold on the outside, but was quite nice inside. Unfortunately they were smashing up the roof and walls with sledge hammers unto 6-30 p.m. and the noise was unbearable. I moved out after one night and moved to Hotel RosaRosae for the remaining two nights.


Hotel San Lourenzo


Hotel PR*** RosaRosae


View from hotel window. Airport bus stops just across the road